Dog Massage

What is dog massage?

Massaging is suitable for almost all dogs. Everything happens on the dog’s terms and the massage does not cause pain. It is preferable that the dog can lay on their side, but it is not necessary. I can read dogs well and see what works for them, and what does not. I also take less social dogs. If, for some reason, the massage would not work, I would not take the full price. Several dogs can be brought in at the same time and I will determine if they need a massage or not.

Obstacles to massage

  • Heat in female dogs
  • Gestation
  • Acute trauma
  • Inflammation

Puppies don’t usually need a massage unless they have problems.

For dogs with a mild heart disease, I can give a light massage, preferably with the permission of a veterinarian.

Information about the massage

  • The first massage takes about 30-60 minutes, depending on the dog’s size, problems, and approachability.
  • First I do a movement and structural analysis, and then ask you to fill a form about your dog.
  • Included in the price are the massage, stretching, and home care instructions.
  • If necessary, I will give cold and heat treatment.

Information for the owner

  • Before the massage, take your dog out for their needs, and don’t feed your dog for at least an hour before and after the massage.
  • You can bring your own dog toys with you.
  • Let your dog rest for the remainder of the day and even the next day.
  • After the massage, your dog can sometimes feel tired and stuffy. Don’t worry, this is normal!


Vuohikoskentie 32
16500 Hollola, Finland


Satu Köngäs
+358 40 584 8161 (10am-9pm)